Saturday, December 29, 2012

- Setting Explanation -

Legendary: Of Sins & Virtues

"Now that the legend is coming into place, what will happen to the world around us?"


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Devil Within
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Of course people travel by foot and by living and breathing animals. But, when it comes to longer trips, they have two different forms of transportation.

The main form being horse drawn carriage. Though, the horses aren't exactly the 'living' kind.

The horses they use to pull horse drawn carriages are made completely out of metals and are steam powered. Smoke and whatnot puffs out of their nostrils and they can travel far longer than a living horse can, not needing to sleep or truly eat like a real animal. Though, they do tend to move slower in the rain and cold weather.


As for carriages, there are three different basic kinds.

The kind that only seats one to two passengers and has an open frame and is typically made of wood or very cheap metal, which causes them to be easily breakable:
(This type being the least expensive and the most often seen around.)


The second kind is more expensive and is usually ridden in by doctors and priests and people of jobs along those lines. It is a semi-closed carriage, one that is made with somewhat materials than the cheapest one; usually metal and wood:


The third type is the most expensive and generally ridden in by rulers and their servants when they travel together. This one is usually made of metal and wood, though the materials are far better on this one than in the other two types. Note that it completely closed off, somewhat like what a car of today is:


Beyond the horse drawn carriages though, all walks of life take trains to further away trips. Though, the trains are separated by class and ranking amungst the people. The poorer folk sitting near the end of the train, while the more important sit in cars closer to the front:


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Devil Within
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