Thursday, October 18, 2012

Comparing the days of working moms and stay at home moms ...

665826b4832811e181bd12313817987b 7 300x300 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working MomI?m kind of lucky in that I?ve done a myriad of the ?mom? positions. For the majority of motherhood, I?ve been a working mom (aka a mom that works outside of the home). I?ve also been a work-at-home mom as a Product Manager for Microsoft and with my current gig at Babble. ?I?ve done the stay-at-home mom part the least and lots of folks might argue that I?ve never really done it, because maternity leave and a month in the spring don?t really count. The majority of my closest friends are stay at home mommas but I work in a company that holds working moms in high regard, so I feel like I get the best of all worlds quite often.

But there?s always a common thread in all the different roles I?ve held and the friends I?ve encountered ? whether our career is in the home or in an office, we all have our worries and struggles. More often than not, those worries and struggles and exhaustion are so eerily similar that it makes me wonder why the divide between moms in our roles.

So I asked two good friends of mine if they would mind being ?interviewed.? I asked them the same questions and I answered the questions, giving a perspective from a WM (working mom) and a SAHM (stay-at-home mom) and a WAHM (work-at-home mom).

Here?s what we all had to say about our days, our fears, what we wear, and how we pee:


  • thumbs 1f96f7282d6511e1abb01231381b65e3 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    SAHM: How many cups of coffee have you had today?

    "2 very large cups and sometimes they get left in the microwave!" Suzi


  • thumbs a972740c070511e2be981231380f620c 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WAHM: How many cups of coffee have you had today?

    "I have learned recently that a "cup" of coffee is 6oz. (I did not know this) So I must drink a heck of a lot. I never get to finish it while it's warm, but maybe I do when it's reheated for the 4th time and tastes like the inside of my microwave." Diana


  • thumbs 6c4580e0cf5d11e182e122000a1e884c 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WM: How many cups of coffee have you had today?

    "Ummm...5? 6? I think I had two this morning & then grabbed a grande latte after lunch for a pick-me-up." Beth Anne


  • thumbs walks14 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    SAHM: What is the best part of your day?

    "When my girls go to bed? I kid!! I really love picking them both up at school (2 day preschool and kindergarten). The both love school and are so unbelievably happy and talk my ear off on the way home. I am sort of a nerd so I love that they love school and love learning. Plus they are making friends, behaving, and creating their own little lives. It makes my heart swell because I feel like we must be doing something right." Suzi


  • thumbs beachsleep Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WAHM: What's the best part of your day?

    "Nap. Well, nap and after nap activities (crafts, etc) are fun. Also I love when our sitter gets here and I get to go write for a few hours at Starbucks in total peace and quiet." Diana


  • thumbs 0835c526476111e1a87612313804ec91 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WM: What is the best part of your day?

    "It's a strong tie between the morning when it's just me & Harrison having breakfast. & I adore when I pick him up from school & he's chatting about everything he did that day & how much fun he had. It makes me feel like we made a good choice with his daycare." Beth Anne


  • thumbs 97fd06040a5e11e283e822000a1d011d 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    SAHM: Did you pee alone today?

    "I have peed alone but I've also had company." Suzi


  • thumbs feet3 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WAHM: Did you pee alone today?

    "Not yet. Here's hoping." Diana


  • thumbs b1372fbaaa7711e1b2fe1231380205bf 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WM: Did you pee alone today?

    "I've done both. The worst is when you're doing more important business & your coworkers are just hanging out in the bathroom, chatting like it's 10th grade." Beth Anne


  • thumbs e5907ff40e6911e28b3522000a1e9f89 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    SAHM: What are you serving for dinner tonight?

    "Black bean soup and a simple salad but I am sure the girls will hate it! I'll add a grilled cheese to the mix for them." Suzi


  • thumbs 58af62a2487711e1a87612313804ec91 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WAHM: What are you serving for dinner tonight?

    "I just realized I'm supposed to make dinner. So... leftover minestrone." Diana


  • thumbs df416b56153411e19896123138142014 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WM: What are you serving for dinner tonight?

    "It's Taco Tuesday! So I'm making enchiladas that are super-quick & heating up some rice & beans. I try to keep meals under 30 minutes for prep." Beth Anne


  • thumbs 5921283208bd11e19896123138142014 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    SAHM: Where do you spend the majority of your day?

    "Split 50/50 between my car & my kitchen." Suzi


  • thumbs work12 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WAHM: Where do you spend the majority of your day?Where do you spend the majority of your day?

    "I'm all over, but maybe at my desk writing, the living room playing, or the kitchen." Diana


  • thumbs 9e2d7058200e11e19896123138142014 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WM: Where do you spend the majority of your day?

    "I'm in a cubicle, smack in front of my computer screen for seven hours. Thankfully, I no longer have my hellish commute or I'd have to count the three hours we spend in the car." Beth Anne


  • thumbs movies19 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    SAHM: What's the hardest part of your day?

    "Getting them out the door for school! Ugh! We are a family of non-morning people. It doesn't matter what time we all go to bed the night before nobody wants to get up. It is a struggle every morning and forget it if someone doesn't like the clothes I've picked out!" Suzi


  • thumbs 951023b598fa4a31aea4ef90dfece9af 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WAHM: What's the hardest part of your day?

    "In the morning when my inbox is flooded with emails while Bella melts down about her cereal and the dog being near her chair. Also the days that there is no nap." Diana


  • thumbs 17f3b10ea6bf11e19894123138140d8c 7 300x300 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WM: What's the hardest part of your day?

    "Dropping him off in the morning. He ALWAYS cries even though he loves school. It's so hard to walk away from your sobbing toddler. It makes me feel so cold & uncaring even though it's the opposite." Beth Anne


  • thumbs 618c97cabe4011e1b00112313800c5e4 7 300x300 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    SAHM: On a scale of 1-10, one being manic & 10 being dead, what is your exhaustion level when you crawl into bed after a normal day?

    "Probably 7ish. Higher if they are sick... sick kids are exhausting!" Suzi


  • thumbs da2d337e04a411e28ed022000a1fbc58 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WAHM: SAHM: On a scale of 1-10, one being manic & 10 being dead, what is your exhaustion level when you crawl into bed after a normal day?

    "Oh man. Like a 7?" Diana


  • thumbs 13b7ec5a193311e1abb01231381b65e3 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WM: SAHM: On a scale of 1-10, one being manic & 10 being dead, what is your exhaustion level when you crawl into bed after a normal day?

    "Probably at a 7. I'm completely burnt out of interaction & thinking by about 8pm. I like to curl up with a book to decompress, but there's always laundry & dishes waiting on my ol' aching bones." Beth Anne


  • thumbs e1bec754069511e2b0a81231381f24bf 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    SAHM: What did you wear today?

    "This is very unusual but I am in a dress (only because it is machine washable) and boots. A lot of days I wear my workout clothes all day... either because I haven't had a chance to shower & change OR I still haven't gotten to my workout." Suzi


  • thumbs 2b6577100eeb11e2bf341231381b775d 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WAHM: What did you wear today?

    "Jeans, tshirt, I put on nice shoes for my daughter's play therapy. Instead of my TOMS." Diana


  • thumbs okayba2 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WM: What did you wear today?

    "Jeans, tshirt, cardigan, & a scarf. This is pretty much my uniform, but I'm lucky to work in a casual-dress office. I used to work where dresses & heels & hosiery were the norm." Beth Anne


  • thumbs 032df74cf75611e194a422000a1e8aa6 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    SAHM: What is the most frustrating thing about your job?

    "The pay? The toddler tyrant? Potty training! My 2nd will pee on the toilet but no go with the poop and it's been like this for months. I do not understand why pooping in your pants is better than on the toilet! And meal time! I have a very strong willed almost 3 year old who would happily eat bread, yogurt, and raspberries ONLY! If I put something other than one of those 3 things on her plate it is total meltdown... like I am trying to poison her. When she started eating solids she would eat anything I put in front of her and then one day it was like a switch and she wouldn't touch anything. I admit that some days I give in and she eats bread, yogurt, and raspberries because at least she is eating something. I will keep trying to branch out but some days I feel like I am banging my head against a wall!" Suzi


  • thumbs b9f4508847ad11e1abb01231381b65e3 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WAHM: What is the most frustrating thing about your job?

    "The last minute-ness of writing/working online while having a 3 year old who doesn't like playing by herself very often. Also the fact that everything happens at once. I can go days with an email here and there and a few posts, and then this week have 16 posts to do and a bazillion emails waiting." Diana


  • thumbs ba30532e0a7d11e2a9d522000a1cd9f8 7 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom

    WM: What is the most frustrating thing about your job?

    "Just trying to fit in EVERYTHING. I still do all the cooking, cleaning, & organizing of my family on top of my office hours. It's hard to squeeze it all in & do it all well. I always feel like something is slipping." Beth Anne


More from BA:

What I?m struggling with as a momma.

Symptoms of pneumonia in toddlers.

Symptoms of Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease

The food allergy debate.

Beth Anne writes words & takes pictures at?Okay, BA!?You can also find her on theTwitters?&?Facebook.

 Comparing the Days:  Stay At Home Mom, Work At Home Mom, and Working Mom


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Business News | VentureBeat

October 16, 2012 12:29 PM Rocky Agrawal

City Target is now open at the Metreon in San Francisco. A look around last night and the shelves were already running low on milk, bread, eggs, hummus, toilet paper, and tampons. (Hey, I'm comprehensive in my market?research.)


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The year was 1950, and The Magic 8-Ball had just arrived in stores. It looked like a toy, but it wasn't. It was a future-telling device, powered by the unknown superpowers that lived inside its cheap plastic shell.


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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Car Insurance and You ? Chocolate and Chard

State Farm Eastlake WA Every year, more cars and drivers hit the highways. With so many vehicles on the road, accidents will happen. Automobile insurance can be the difference between a minor setback and a major trial. How can you decide what insurance you require and how to buy it? Liability: Pays for damages due to bodily injury and property damage to others for which you are responsible. Bodily injury damages include medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. Property damage includes damaged property and loss of use of property. It also covers your defense and court costs if you are sued. State laws usually mandate minimum amounts, but higher amounts are available and usually recommended. Personal injury protection: This is required in some states and is optional in others. It pays you or your passengers for medical treatment resulting from a crash, regardless of who may have been at fault, and is often called no-fault coverage. It may also cover lost earnings, replacement of services and funeral expenses. State law typically sets minimum amounts. Medical payments: This type of coverage is available in non-no-fault states and will pay no matter who is responsible for the accident. It pays for an insured person?s reasonable and necessary medical and funeral expenses for bodily injury from a crash. Collision: This pays for damage to your car caused by a collision. Comprehensive: This applies if your car is stolen or damaged by causes other than collision, including fire, wind, hail, flood or vandalism. Uninsured motorist: This pays for damages when an insured person is injured in a crash caused by another person who does not have liability insurance or by a person who cannot be identified (usually a hit-and-run driver). Under-insured motorist: This pays for damages when an insured person is injured in a crash caused by another person who does not have enough liability insurance to cover the full amount of the damages. Other coverages, like car rental and emergency road service, are also available.What you pay for auto insurance varies by company and will depend on several factors, including: * What coverage you select * The make and model of the car you drive * Your driving record * Your age, sex and marital status and * Where you live Some have come to think of auto insurance as a necessary evil, but it can truly rescue your economic health Evaluate your needs, research your options and with the help of your insurance agent make the decision that best suits you. Reliable insurance in Washington state

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dropbox app updated with refreshed UI and photo improvements

Android Central

Dropbox is the long standing king of consumer-focused universal cloud storage solutions and it continues to update its Android app with new features and refinements. The latest update -- version 2.2 -- brings a new UI for the entire app and several improvements around managing photos.

The blue and white contrast UI is still here but with a more intense blue, with small tab buttons on the top and more pronounced contrast with the white icons. Folder views are the same, except now your camera upload list is in its own tab with more of a "gallery" feel. Images are loaded with thumbnails and categorized by date. One tap on an image brings you to a full screen view with the normal favorite, share, export and delete keys. We're happy to see that Dropbox has also integrated the "holo" design standards insofar as the search and overflow settings button are concerned.

You can grab the app or an update from the Google Play Store link above, and stick around after the break for a few screenshots of the UI improvements.

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A Love Undone

A Love Undone

One part of the story ended tragically, but their sequel is coming.


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I am interested in taking the female role. :)

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Nevermind ^.^

Last edited by Bugbuster on Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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I'd like try out for the female.
ha ha ha.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

AdWatch: Big Bird the faux villain in new Obama ad

Romney supporter Jayne Whetstone, of Menlo, Iowa, left, talks with Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement Action Fund members dressed in Sesame Street costumes outside a campaign stop for Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney at the Koch Family Farm, Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012, in Van Meter, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Romney supporter Jayne Whetstone, of Menlo, Iowa, left, talks with Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement Action Fund members dressed in Sesame Street costumes outside a campaign stop for Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney at the Koch Family Farm, Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012, in Van Meter, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

A person dressed up as Big Bird holds a sign against Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney outside the Romney headquarters, Monday, Oct. 8, 2012 in Derry, N.H. where House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio was about to speak to supporters. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)

(AP) ? TITLE: "Big Bird"

LENGTH: 30 seconds.

AIRING: President Barack Obama's campaign said only that the ad will air nationally on broadcast and cable TV stations.

KEY IMAGES: Grim, "perp walk"-style photos of Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay and Dennis Kozlowski ? three businessmen convicted of financial crimes. "Criminals. Gluttons of greed," says a narrator. "And the evil genius who towered over them?" A silhouette of Big Bird, the legendary Sesame Street character, appears in the window of a skyscraper.

"One man has the guts to speak his name," the narrator says. In rapid succession, three clips of Mitt Romney uttering the yellow bird's name as he discusses cutting federal subsidies for the Public Broadcasting Service.

"It's me. Big Bird," says the tall, yellow fowl.

The narrator calls him "a menace to our economy" and says "Mitt Romney knows it's not Wall Street you have to worry about, it's 'Sesame Street.'" The narrator closes by saying: "Mitt Romney. Taking on our enemies, no matter where they nest."


It was only a matter of time before Romney's debate shout-out to Big Bird ended up in one of Obama's campaign ads. After all, the president has joked about Romney having it in for Big Bird since the morning after the Oct. 3 debate in Denver.

The president's re-election campaign also has shown few qualms about throwing Romney's words back at him in TV spots. Video of Romney, secretly recorded at a May fundraiser, saying nearly half of Americans are dependent on government made its way into multiple ads aired by Obama's campaign.

The presidential debate wasn't the first time Romney spoke of his desire to cut off subsidies to PBS, which airs "Sesame Street." But it was the first time he talked about it while tens of millions of people were tuned in, some of them getting a good look at him for the first time.

Romney said he likes PBS and Big Bird, but said it fails the test he'll impose on federal programs as president: If it's not worth borrowing money from China to pay for it, then it's gone.

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which funds a portion of the PBS budget, received $445 million from the government this year. That's a drop in a federal budget of $3.6 trillion, but Romney was trying to make a broader point about the deficit and spending he deems unnecessary.

For Obama, the Big Bird attack fits neatly into his campaign's attempts to portray Romney as an uncaring plutocrat too quick to pink-slip government programs that Americans rely on, in this case millions of preschool-age children.

Romney's campaign says the ad shows Obama is focusing on the small things to distract from what they say is his lack of vision on the economy and other pressing issues. Obama's own Justice Department was heavily criticized for failing to prosecute aggressively Wall Street executives implicated in the financial crisis that led to the recession.

PBS and "Sesame Street" are none too pleased that Big Bird has become an enduring symbol of Campaign 2012.

PBS issued a statement after the debate knocking Romney for devaluing public broadcasting and its mission. After Obama's campaign released its ad, the producer of "Sesame Street" called on the campaign to pull it down, saying Big Bird's use in a political campaign had not been approved.

Associated Press


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Romney drops SEAL story after mother complains

ABC News' Michael Falcone and Emily Friedman report:

Mitt Romney's campaign said today he will stop citing his meeting with a former Navy Seal killed in last month's terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya after the victim's mother protested his use of her son's death.

"He shouldn't make my son's death part of his political agenda. It's wrong to use these brave young men, who wanted freedom for all, to degrade Obama," said Barbara Doherty, the mother of the slain Navy Seal Glen Doherty.

She added, "I don't trust Romney."

A Romney aide told ABC News today that the Republican candidate will respect Mrs. Doherty's wish and stop telling the story on campaign stops about how he met Doherty a few years ago.

[Tune in to on Thursday for livestreaming coverage of the 2012 Vice Presidential Debate moderated by ABC's Martha Raddatz in Danville, Ky. Coverage kicks off with ABC News' live preview show at noon, and full debate coverage begins at 8 p.m.]

On Tuesday in Van Meter, Iowa, Romney told the story of meeting Glen Doherty, a Massachusetts native, a few years ago.

"He told me that he keeps going back to the Middle East. He cares very deeply about the people there," Romney said, recalling his conversation with the former SEAL. " He served in the military there, went back from time to time to offer security services and so forth to people there. You can imagine how I felt when I found out that he was one of the two former Navy SEALS killed in Benghazi on Sept. 11."

Romney briefly choked up while telling the story, saying, "It touched me."

[Read more about Romney's anecdote]

Boston television station WHDH posted the interview with Doherty's mother today. But Romney re-told the story at a campaign stop just hours later in Ohio Tuesday night and again today in Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

Last month, after the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, which took the lives of Doherty, U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, and two other Americans, Romney and his wife, Ann, issued a statement offering condolences to his family.

"Glen served America with bravery and distinction, and gave his life in an effort to save others. Befitting his service as a Navy SEAL, his legacy is one of heroism and courage. We grieve for his loss - and for all who lost their lives - and pray for the comfort of those who will miss him," Romney wrote at the time. He did not mention having met Doherty at the Christmas party.

In a separate interview with a Seattle radio station a friend of Doherty's, Elf Ellefsen, recalled hearing Doherty talk about his encounter with Romney in less-than-glowing terms.

"He said it was very comical," Ellefsen said in an interview with radio station KIRO. "Mitt Romney approached him ultimately four times, using this private gathering as a political venture to further his image. He kept introducing himself as Mitt Romney, a political figure. The same introduction, the same opening line. Glen believed it to be very insincere and stale."

"Honestly it does make me sick," Ellefsen said in the interview with KIRO's Libby Denkmann. "Glen would definitely not approve of it. He probably wouldn't do much about it. He probably wouldn't say a whole lot about it. I think Glen would feel, more than anything, almost embarrassed for Romney. I think he would feel pity for him."

ABC's Emily Friedman contributed reporting.

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Open Ears ? Hearing Conservation Programs ? SafetyGator

Symbol for danger of NIHL (Noise-Induced Heari...

Employees who work in noisy environments need to understand the steps they can take to protect their hearing. A comprehensive hearing safety training program provides them with the information they need.

OSHA says that if employees are regularly exposed to noise levels above 85 dB, they must be required?to wear hearing protection. They must also be trained in the potential hazards of noise exposure and appropriate protective measures.

Your hearing conservation training program must include:

  • Information on the effects of noise on hearing
  • The purposes of hearing protectors, including their advantages and disadvantages; the level of protection provided by various types; and instructions on their selection, fitting, use, and care
  • The purpose of audiometric testing and an explanation of testing procedures

Training should also identify symptoms of noise-induced hearing loss, such as:

  • Persistent tinnitus or ringing in the ears
  • The sensation of muffled hearing after a work shift
  • Difficulty understanding conversation in groups or noisy surroundings
  • The sense that people are mumbling

An explanation of the hearing-loss process is also a good idea. Some trainers like to use the metaphor of grass to represent the tiny sensory (or ?hair?) cells of the inner ear. Usually, blades of grass will straighten up after they?ve been bent from being walked on. However, if one continues to tread on the same patch day after day, the grass will eventually die, leaving a bare spot. That?s similar to what happens to the ear?s hair cells over time when assaulted by high-decibel sound.

Make Training Stick

To make hearing conservation training memorable, it has to extend beyond the formal sessions. Supervisors should routinely make sure that earplugs are inserted correctly; check earmuffs, headbands, and cushions; and ask employees about their use and comfort.

It?s also important for supervisors to motivate employees to wear their protection whenever necessary. A simple yet valuable technique for motivating employees to wear hearing protection is to explain their audiometric test results to them, perhaps comparing a current audiogram to a previous test and comparing it with a ?normal? result. If threshold levels are deteriorating, it?s time to remind the worker about fitting and wearing hearing protection.

Supervisors should be sensitive to unusual situations as well. For example, some workers may be fearful that wearing the protector could make them unable to hear a malfunctioning machine, or could compromise their ability to communicate. There are, however, special types of hearing protectors that are specially designed to facilitate communication and thus might be an appropriate solution.

And some employers have found that workers comply better with hearing protection rules when their families are involved. Businesses may choose to provide audiometric tests for spouses and children. This gets people talking about hearing protection on and off the job.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Maine gas prices drop slightly


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Uziel Reyes-Perez was arrested for two counts of Felony DUI after crashing his car into four people. Perez was driving down Veterans Memorial Drive when he jumped the sidewalk and crashed into four people in all. Two of the victims were homeless men who were staying in overnight shelters at Catholic Charities. A friend of the two men stated, ?They?re really good people and everybody?s hoping that they pull through it.? Detectives found a bag full of beer cans that Perez had thrown from his car into a parking lot nearby. Both of the injured men remain in the ICU where they have undergone surgeries. More information will be forthcoming pending further investigation.

?This incident is extremely sad and tragic. Too often it is the disenfranchised members of our society who can suffer the most from an auto accident?these people need to know that they have the same rights and privileges as everyone else,? states West Seegmiller, founder of The Seegmiller Law Firm.

For roughly 30 years, the legal experts at Seegmiller Law Firm have represented hundreds of clients injured in serious traffic and other accidents. Our legal team has also handled hundreds of wrongful death and personal injury claims. Indeed, the personal injury law firm has a proven track record supported by settlements ranging from several thousand dollars to millions.

Seegmiller is a Las Vegas Personal Injury Law Firm with a track record of proven results. There is no cost to clients until our experienced team of lawyers and legal professionals have won your case. Finding the best car accident attorney can mean you will get the settlement you need to get your life back on track. Compensation for your injuries, loss of wages and pain and suffering can?t take away the trauma of the accident, but it can help you rebuild your life.

Call us today at 1-855-275-9378 (1-855-ASK WEST) to speak with our car accident law firm. Seegmiller Law Firm also has offices in California including its headquarters in Irvine. We have offices to serve our clients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Diego, Riverside and in Las Vegas, Nevada.




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Mexico says marines may have killed top Zetas drug lord

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican marines may have killed the leader of the brutal Zetas drug cartel in a gun battle in northern Mexico, in what would be one of the biggest victories yet in the government's six-year war on organized crime.

The Navy said late on Monday there was "strong evidence" Heriberto Lazcano had been killed in a firefight with marines in the northern state of Coahuila on Sunday afternoon.

If the death of Lazcano, alias "The Executioner," is confirmed, he would be the most powerful capo to fall in President Felipe Calderon's military offensive on the gangs.

The Zetas, considered one of the two most powerful drug gangs in Mexico, have perpetrated some of the most sickening acts seen in the country's drug war that has killed about 60,000 people during Calderon's term.

Two suspected Zetas gang members who attacked the marines with grenades from a moving car were killed in the gunfight and initial forensic tests suggested one of the bodies was the former soldier Lazcano, the Navy said in a statement.

Lazcano, or "Z-3" is one of Mexico's most wanted men and U.S. authorities have offered a reward of up to $5 million for his capture. Only Joaquin "Shorty" Guzman, boss of the Sinaloa Cartel, would represent a bigger prize to the government.

Alberto Islas, a security expert at consultancy Risk Evaluation, said if Lazcano's death is confirmed, it would prompt a bloody struggle for control of areas dominated by the Zetas, like the northern industrial city of Monterrey.

The army had stepped up patrols in Coahuila after the killing last week of the son of the former chairman of the country's most powerful political party, the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI. [ID:nL1E8L5DG7]

Investigators said the murder of Jose Eduardo Moreira, who was also the nephew of the Coahuila state governor, may have been a revenge attack by the Zetas against the family for losses the gang suffered in a recent clash with security forces.

Moreira's death caused a political outcry and demands for his killers to be brought to justice.


The Zetas were formed by a band of army deserters who acted as enforcers for the Gulf Cartel before breaking away in 2010 to fight a bloody turf war with their former bosses and other drug gangs, including Guzman's powerful Sinaloa Cartel.

Under Lazcano's leadership, the Zetas grew into a gang of more than 10,000 gunmen with operations stretching from the Rio Grande, on the border with Texas, to deep into Central America.

Their rapid expansion has displaced Mexico's older cartels in many areas, giving them a dominant position in the multi-billion-dollar cross-border drug trade, as well as extortion, kidnapping and other criminal businesses.

The Zetas gang had recently appeared to be rupturing due to disputes among leading gang members. A longstanding rivalry between Lazcano and his deputy Miguel Trevino, alias "Z-40," exploded into violence in recent months.

While Mexico's government and rival gangs may welcome the death of Lazcano, a battle for control of the Zetas could become a major headache for President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto of the PRI, who takes office on December 1.

Since 2009, government troops have caught or killed more than 20 major drug lords. Senior Zetas boss Ivan Velazquez, also known as "El Taliban" or "Z-50", and Gulf Cartel head Jorge Costilla, alias "El Coss," were both captured last month.

Mexican officials arrested on Saturday the alleged Zetas leader in Tamaulipas state, who is believed to be responsible for the murders in 2010 of dozens of migrants and an American who was killed as he jet skied on a lake on the Texas-Mexico border.

(Reporting by Michael O'Boyle; Editing by Dave Graham and Andrew Heavens)


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Syrian refugees find respite near the Turkish border

Maysun / EPA

Syrian refugee children play on slide put up for them in a refugee camp at the Syrian-Turkish border near Azaz, Syria, Oct. 7, 2012. The makeshift refugee camp is reported to be growing daily, housing several thousand refugees under poor sanitary conditions and under the control of the Free Syrian Army.

Maysun / EPA

Syrian refugee boys fill bottles with water in an abandoned storage house which is part of a refugee camp at the Syrian-Turkish border near Azaz, Syria, Oct. 7.

A makeshift refugee camp in the vicinity of Azaz, Syria is reported to be housing several thousand refugees under poor sanitary conditions and under the control of the Free Syrian Army. While residents keep fleeing the embattled areas, rebels claim gains in northern parts of the country along the border with Turkey. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition group, said the rebels now control a larger number of towns in the north.

--Reported by the European Press Agency

Meanwhile, tensions between Syria and Turkey are high as the two countries exchange fire across the border.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The European Press Agency made these Oct. 7 images available to NBC News on Oct. 8.

Maysun / EPA

A Syrian refugee woman tends to her crying baby as her family sits on the ground in a refugee camp at the Syrian-Turkish border near Azaz, Syria, Oct. 7.

Maysun / EPA

A Syrian refugee sits amidst a pile of belongings, waiting for permission to enter Turkey, at the Syrian-Turkish border near Azaz, Syria, Oct. 7.

Previously on PhotoBlog:

SANA via Reuters

A look back at the violence that has overtaken the country

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